Thursday, December 28, 2006

Time to Wake Up

We should celebrate the fact that a member of the Islamic faith has been belatedly elected to the House of Representatives. Instead we have numbskulls such as Rep. Goode losing it over the fact that the newly elected Congressman will use a copy of the Koran in his private swearing in ceremony. By demanding that the Bible be the only text used in oath-taking, Rep. Goode has demonstrated that he lacks the ability to think, and is only capable of mindless reaction.

The concept of swearing an oath on something relies on the premise that the object is of major value to the person being administered the oath. If an individual was making a promise to Rep. Goode, would the esteemed redneck prefer that the individual swear on his own mother's grave, or the grave of a neighbor's mother? In the Ring Trilogy the only thing that kept Gollum from killing Frodo and Sam was the fact that Gollum had made his promise to his precious ring.

If an Islamic Congressman took an oath on the Bible would it carry as much weight to that individual as it would by taking the oath on the Koran?

We are currently continuing to suffer under the leadership (or lack thereof) of a president who took his oath of office with his hand on the Bible, and has consistently broken the solemn pledge made to the American people.