Tuesday, January 23, 2007

We the People....Hah!!

We all learned in school that our government was special because it was a government of the people, for the people and by the people. The Bush administration has determined that this is not the way to run a country. They have proudly stated that they do not pay attention to polls, and that the president is not tasked with fulfilling the wishes of the populace, rather it is his responsibility to do what is in the best interest of the "Nation". Apparently the Bushites consider the "Nation" to be something other than the people.

The overwhelming majority of Americans are against the "surge" of troops sent to Iraq, and rightly so. Regardless, the surge is a reality, and the deaths and dismemberments that will ensue will also be a sad reality.

Some Americans feel strongly that the current administration (Bush and Cheney) should be impeached. Perhaps a more fitting punishment for their high crimes and misdemeanors should be amputation of some or all of their limbs.

Tonight the president will again regale the nation with his pie in the sky plans for the coming year. Considering that none of what he proposed and/or promised last year has come to fruition, I think that I will watch the Indiana University basketball game instead of listening to the Chimp in Charge.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Saddam escapes hell

Saddam Hussein has escaped the hell that he has been experiencing since his capture. Most Christians believe in an afterlife hell, but there is no certainty that it exists. The earthly hell that Saddam occupied was real. After decades of unchecked power, opulent living, and the ability to satisfy his every desire, a solitary cell with mocking and jeering from mere mortals had to erode the fabric of Hussein's psyche. Had he been left in prison, he would have likely gone insane. Consider the recent comments by the Olympic Park bomber Eric Rudolph. He stated that maximum security prison was driving him insane.

The Kurds will be disappointed because Saddam was not tried for atrocities against them. The same applies to the anti-Hussein Sunnis. The execution of Saddam Hussein was an ill thought out endeavor, and the US will pay the price.